Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Waiting By The Phone

Yesterday, I watched Rainn Wilson on Life After Film School.

At one point he said, as I've heard many, many other actors say, that you have to generate your own work, "...otherwise you're constantly waiting by the phone for the next audition, the next job, the next whatever, and that's no fun".

And he's right - it's kinda not (Getting the call is kinda cool...but it doesn't happen often enough. And you don't want to be constantly in the position where you can't do what you do until someone tells you you can).

On my other blog, I was just writing, at some length, about how I needed to be more "fearless", in my writing and acting, and how I needed to act because I'm an actor (And that's what I should be doing), and also because, as I said in here yesterday, casting people aren't going to see what I can do and be excited about it till I show them something.

And if I'm going to write an ongoing blog about acting and my acting career, and hope it'll be interesting enough to attract, and keep, long-term readers, I should actually act at some point.

Just a thought.

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