Thursday, August 7, 2008

A Long-Awaited Theatrical Audition

In the month since starting this blog, I've worried a bit over my timing - "Nice job, Dude - Start up a blog about your acting career right when things have pretty much stalled out...".

So I'm happy to report that Direct Talent (My theatrical agency) called last night, and I have an audition for the Disney Channel show The Wizards Of Waverly Place in just a few hours.

I've never seen the show, so I looked it up online, then downloaded an episode off I-Tunes (So a big "Hip, Hip, Hooray!" for modern technology).

It's cute (At least the episode I saw - Maybe somewhere down the line it takes a dark turn towards extreme sex and violence and "adult situations". But it's Disney, so I'm guessing not).

If you're new to the biz and you missed it, it's very important that you actually know the show you're going in for. If you can't actually see an episode, at least look it up online so you're not just going in blind.

I'm going in for the role of "Photographer", and I have a little three-line "scene" with two of the principals.

So it should be fun.

But I'll have more to say about this later - Right now, I've got to go book a gig.

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