Monday, August 18, 2008

Living Vicariously Through Molly

Well, my friend Molly had her audition for CSI Miami earlier today.

I was at her house last night (She and her roommate Jen, also an actress, invite people over on a standing basis for Sunday dinner), and at one point, I ran lines with her; it's the kind of stuff you've seen on "procedurals" a zillion times - cops asking the techno-geek what they've come up with off the broken computer - and Molly did a great job of "tossing off" the techno-speak while still sounding like a person.

But back to today; I emailed her after I got home last night, for a final "Break a leg", and she emailed me back after the audition; basically, she felt good about it in the room, which is nice (And that was a pretty important room).

So now's there's nothing to do but wait, and hope she gets the nod.

Nobody's nodding in my direction right now; technically, I'm still on "avail" for Wizards Of Waverly Place, but it seems pretty clear nothing's going to come of that, so at this point, it's on to the next thing.

Whenever that comes up...

I've seen a number of commercials on tv lately that I auditioned for, but didn't get (One night, I saw three in the span of an hour).

I always feel a little twinge when that happens - from missing out on the fun of the shoot, missing out on people seeing me on tv, and maybe most importantly, for commercials, for missing out on the sweet, sweet, money.

Theatrically or commercially - hopefully both - my time's coming. I've booked before, and I will undoubtedly book again.

While at Jen and Molly's last night, I said the only way anything was really going to happen for me is if people actually see what I can do.

Pretty bold, egotistical statement, but I think there's something to it.

Now all I have to do is figure out what it is I do that I think is so compelling, and figure out how to get people to see it.

Nice news regarding this blog: As of today, I've passed the halfway mark to getting my first check.

So thanks for reading, and thanks for clicking on the little ad. You're making my life just a little more fun, and a little more profitable.

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