Saturday, August 16, 2008


Had a very fun movie double-feature yesterday.

In the morning, I saw Tropic Thunder (At the nearby M-Park 4, the theater I discovered has been four blocks away for about the past two years).

Then, late afternoon, I saw Vicky Cristina Barcelona in Los Feliz.

Very different movies, clearly, but both very enjoyable.

I particularly enjoyed "Vicky Cristina" - funny, sexy, thought-provoking, it's the best Woody Allen movie I've seen in years (Though prior to Match Point, which I liked but didn't love, I hadn't seen a Woody Allen movie in the theater in years).

(I'm going to write about these movies more at length in my next entry, but I haven't given myself much time to write at this point - I'm off to a workshop shortly - so I'm going to move on.)

The last movie I saw before yesterday's double-feature was Pineapple Express.

The primary reason to see that movie is James Franco, who's hilarious as the perpetually stoned pot dealer/friend of Seth Rogen's character (Rogen's good, but is basically doing the "Seth Rogan character" we've seen before).

Franco is so good in this movie, and so not good in movies where he's playing "straight", that it made me think of Brad Pitt, who I also think does much better in character roles than as a straight leading man.

I'd already been thinking about it, but Franco's performance really got me wondering about what my "sweet spot" might be as an actor. I mean, I want to think I'm "versatile" and can do anything, but what do I think I do particularly well, what roles would just come naturally to me?

But again, I've picked the wrong time to blog, cause I've gotta get my character-acting ass out the door - my workshop beckons.

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