Monday, September 29, 2008

I Got Plenty Of Nothin'

At this point, I'd like to be reporting that "Yay! I booked the infomercial with John Cleese!"...but I got nothin'.

That could pretty much be the title of this entry - "I Got Nothin'!".

I got no gigs, no auditions pending, nothing.

(No workshops, even.)

But the thing that sometimes makes me crazy about "The Business" is also one of its saving graces - You don't know what's going to happen next; I could end up not booking the infomercial, and not having any auditions for the next month...but I could just as easily book the gig, and have "the audition that makes all the difference" tomorrow.

Or the day after that.

Or the day after that.

I wrote about how being "on hold" for the infomercial was a good thing, even if I don't book it, because now I have an inroad at that casting office and what-have-you.

But I don't think I said how, even if "'close' only counts in horseshoes and hand-grenades", and I need actual bookings, and it's "painful" to get so close and lose, it still means something to be reminded that "I've got game", that even when I don't win, I'm "in contention".

That it's not just "wishful thinking" to assume that, if I don't book this one, I'll book the next one.

I found myself thinking yesterday about getting a $7000 check from my commercial agent last year. And how, while I haven't seen any four-digit acting checks in quite some time, it happened, so there's every likelihood it'll happen again.

And if it were to happen again fairly soon? That would be cool.

Speaking of money and checks and all that good stuff...

September is almost over, and I still haven't gotten a check from Google AdSense for all the ad-clicking you nice people did last month.

I'd have to double-check, but I think how it's supposed to work is that, once you pass $100 worth of ad-clicks in a given month, they send you a check, which you're supposed to receive by the end of the following month.

And here we are, at the end of "the following month".

In any case, I will be keeping you all apprised of the situation, since I feel like you've become partners in this little "keeping me afloat" venture of mine.

Last night, I went to IOWest (For the uninitiated, "IO" stands for Improv Olympic), with fellow ACG'ers (Molly, Patrick, Stephanie & her boyfriend Nick, and Jim K.), to see our friend Silvia's "Rehab" pilot, which she starred in and co-wrote.

(I thought the show - 22 minutes long - about the crazy staff of a rehab facility, was problematic, but Silvia acquitted herself quite well.)

Being there made me wish people were coming to see something I was in - I always feel that way as an audience member (Going back to when I used to see plays back in Lansing) - but even more than that, made me think I should really explore improv.

When I got home last night, I checked the website about classes, and as I expected, it ain't cheap - $325 for eight once-a-week classes.

I don't think that would be a frivolous expense, mind you, but it just doesn't feel like money I have right now (Not when my finances are such that I'm currently debating what monthly "services" have to go, and which ones I can keep).

But they're doing a free class on the 11th next month, and I think I'm going to try to get in on that. Just to see what's what.

Who knows? Maybe if I proceed "as if" the money will come from somewhere...then the money will come from somewhere.

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