Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Thanks For Dropping By

I wanted to take a moment and say "Thanks!" to the people who've checked out this blog.

I'm especially appreciative of those of you who've helped a struggling actor out by clicking on my unobtrusive little ad, since I'd very much like blogging and acting, in some combination, to pay the bills in the future.

(As of today, I've made $3.07, which is $3.07 more than I've ever made from writing before. So I guess I can now say, for whatever it's worth, that I'm a "professional blogger".)

At this early stage of the game, I'm still thinking about exactly what I want this blog to be.

I imagine, to a certain extent, you'll tell me what you want this blog to be (BTW, comments are appreciated and encouraged. I'd enjoy knowing who's out there, or for that matter, knowing if anyone's out there).

But till then, I'm basically envisioning entries about my day-to-day life as an actor out here in Hollywood, interspersed with entries on acting and acting-related subjects in general.

I hope what I write will be of interest to a general audience. But I also hope I can offer helpful info to my fellow actors starting out in the business - I'm by no means an "expert" in any aspect of show business, but if you're just starting out, I might be able to help you avoid a pitfall or two.

So thanks again for stopping by. I hope you'll stay awhile.

If you do, I promise to try, best I'm able, to make it worth your time and effort.

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